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Frequently Asked Questions

What routes are being considered to improve the highway?

Four different Build Alternatives are being considered as well as a “No-Build” option. View Build Alternatives 

Alternatives are screened against the main objective to reduce the highway’s exposure to the Sea Level Rise Inundation Encroachment Area (SLR-XA) and ocean hazards, which means moving the mauka or elevating the highway.

Considerations for selecting viable alternatives:

  • feasibility
  • constructability
  • consistency with community plans
  • minimizing impacts to historic and cultural sites
  • minimizing adverse environmental impacts
  • financial viability

The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) will evaluate alternatives to determine a preferred option, that achieves project goals and minimizes adverse effects.

HDOT and FHWA are looking for your input on these alternatives and on the scope of the EIS studies.

How are long-term ecological impacts being considered and addressed in the project?

Impacts to environmental and cultural resources will be evaluated while determining a preferred alternative for the highway.

New alignments are designed to minimize ecological impacts by managing stormwater runoff and avoidance of critical environmental features. We are in early conversations with agencies that manage coastal resources, including the Nature Conservancy and the County, and other groups interested and knowledgeable about ways to mitigate potential impacts to coastal resources.

View Section 106 Webpage

What process will be followed to fully incorporate cultural concerns?

Federal (Section 106) and State (Historic Preservation HRS 6E) law require that HDOT consider the project's potential impacts on cultural resources.

View Section 106 Webpage

We will follow Section 106 procedures, should there be adverse impacts to cultural resources, and 6E to complete archaeological and architectural studies of resources in the area.

We rely on local experts to identify cultural and historic concerns that should be addressed. The earlier we know who to talk to and have those conversations, the better we can avoid, minimize, and mitigate impacts to resources.

If you have knowledge of cultural resources in the area, please contact:

Mr. Ken Tatsuguchi
HDOT Project Manager

How are environmental conditions affecting the project's design?

This project is being designed to address changing environmental conditions. It is widely known that Honoapiʿilani Highway is often affected by high waves, erosion, and other coastal events.

The project aims to improve the reliability of the highway and minimize the risk of these flood events that are exacerbated by climate change and sea level rise.

How will alternative modes of transportation be accommodated by the project?

We are at the beginning stages of the planning process and are working with the County and MauiMPO on multimodal considerations (including opportunities along the old highway).

Safety and accessibility for all users are a priority in alternative development. HDOT is dedicated to providing a safe, efficient, accessible, and sustainable inter-modal transportation system to ensure the mobility of people and goods while enhancing and/or preserving economic stability.

Will the alternatives protect and improve beach access?

If the preferred alternative is a realignment of the Honoapiʻilani Highway, HDOT will work with Maui County to provide beach access. Overall, HDOT is dedicated to improving quality of life for Hawaiian communities, public safety, and improved access to public beaches is an important consideration.

What can the $22 Million in grant money be used for?

The $22 million RAISE grant is specifically for a transportation project that addresses resiliency in this area and is part of the overall funding used to implement the proposed Project.

The RAISE grant money can be used for a variety of specific project construction elements that ensure the resiliency of the transportation network.

What can be done about the sea wall?

Infrastructure repairs have been necessary to maintain the vital highway link to West Maui.

If Honoapiʿilani Highway is realigned away from the shoreline, the conversion of the existing roadway to a County-controlled local access route means the ability to remove or modify hard features, such as the sea wall, can be considered and implemented by the County.

What will happen to the old highway?

If the roadway is realigned, HDOT would seek to transfer the old road to Maui County, who will then decide how the roadway will support planning and policies. Road access would be provided for existing homes, businesses, and pedestrians.

Submit A Comment or Question

Do you have a question that's not covered above? Please use the form to submit your question.
If you'd like to mail your question, you're welcome to use this form.
We Want to Hear from You!

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To request language interpretation, an auxiliary aid, or special services (e.g. sign language interpreter, materials in alternate format), please contact Mr. Ken Tatsuguchi:
Please submit requests one week in advance of the meeting or event.


  • January 2023
    • Launch of environmental assessment process, which includes NOI and EISPN.
    • Start of Environmental Planning Process (Continues through 2025)
  • Winter 2024 - 2025
    • Draft Environmental Impact Statement Published (January 2025)
    • Public Hearing (January / February 2025)
    • 45 Day Comment Process (January - February 2025)
  • Summer 2025
    • Final Environmental Impact Statement Published
  • Fall 2025
    • Preconstruction
  • 2027
    • Construction Begins
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